ソラマメブログ › SIDE BY SIDE › ETC・・・ › *****PRAY 4 JAPAN***** 


*****PRAY 4 JAPAN***** 

Hello friends:) みなさん こんにちは^^

I hope you are fine :) いかがお過ごしですか?



For all suffered from the earthquake, our prayers go to all of you and your family.


We have the charity event for Japan earthquake @ Loind'Ici on 6th May Friday .
12 Great DJ will spin for Japan from all of the world .

*****PRAY 4 JAPAN***** 





なお、*****PRAY 4 JAPAN***** の募金箱を使用させていただきます。 詳細はこちらをご覧ください。

about donation http://pray4japan.slmame.com/e1068724.html

We pray for Japan !

11.3.2011. ... Earthquake and tsunami hits Japan , and Japan had a very terrible damage by it .
About 13000 people died, about 15000 people are still missing .
Many people lost their family and lost their home and their job too.
People who lived near the nuclear plant accident had to leave from their place .
All of them have worries about the future .

It will be great that we support suffered Japanese people from this world.
So ...Let's support Japan from sl together !

We use the donation box of *****PRAY 4 JAPAN***** 
Please read about donation http://pray4japan.slmame.com/e1068724.html

We believe we can do it with music and smiles .
So please come and join on that day !

6th May Friday
Charity Event for Japan earthquake @ Loin d'Ici

::::: PRAY FOR JAPAN :::::

6-7 am    Deckard Eames ( Japan )       22時

7-8 am    pietru Constantine ( France )   23時

8-9am     Astrella Lane ( Swiss )        24時

9-10am    Danny Bombastic ( Italy )    1時

10-11am    Gino Aichi ( Italy )        2時

11-12 am        special            3時

12-1pm     cedric Galaxy ( France )     4時  
1-2 pm    oldschool Spitteler ( France )   5時

2-3 pm    Kyo Banx ( Germany )     6時

3-4 pm     Jaycee Kass ( USA )       7時

4-5 pm    Gonguitas Greggan ( Portgal )   8時

5-6 pm    Deetz Easterwood ( Australia )  9時         

Posted by CUBIX GROUP at 16:00 │ETC・・・